Integrative Therapy for Attachment Trauma
Pam Dillon, M.Ed., RMFT. | 579-539-0147
Integrative Therapy for Attachment Trauma
Pam Dillon, M.Ed., RMFT. | 579-539-0147

…a path to re-membering our truest and deepest selves

Welcome To Tri-Unitas Trauma Therapy (TRUS-TT)

I’m so glad our paths have crossed!

If your experience as a child was one of never having felt welcomed, seen, heard or understood in your own uniqueness then you’ve suffered what I call soul wounds. If you had parents or caregivers who were chronically mis-attuned to your emotional needs or if your caregivers abused or emotionally neglected you, then your inherent wholeness would have become fractured and lost in the process of surviving and adapting to such an invalidating environment. These early betrayals to our integrity are referred to as Attachment Trauma and can result in Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD).

But now that you’ve found yourself here, I’d like to invite you to notice the quiet wisdom tucked inside a place deeper than your wounding. Trust your own soul’s longing for its wholeness!

And, should you feel called towards walking a deeply transformative healing path, then please do reach out. I’d be honored to accompany you!

– Pam

“The only journey is the one within.”
―Rainer Maria Rilke

“Pam is a skilled clinician whose passion for helping others, huge heart, and deep understanding of the healing process is ever evident in her intuitive, engaged, and transformative work with clients.”

– Ron Frederick, Ph.D. Psychologist, Author, Senior Faculty Member, AEDP Institute